Sunday, October 30, 2011

Are you sad and want a way to pass some time?

The whole divorce process is a long one. The fact is that you are probably not sleeping well, if you are sleeping at all. And in the morning you wake up to the realization that your life is changed. That is pretty bad.

So one of the ways to cope with boredom and keep yourself from bugging your spouse or girlfriend is to watch a few good movies. Here is a list of movies you might want to check out.

Taken takes forever to complete. Its like 10 hours long and interesting the whole way through.

Men in black one two and three. Here is a way to waste a little time and enjoy yourself. Anything you can do to keep your mind off the situation.

Good movie...after watching it a few times you will be able to turn it on and fall asleep.

Another long movie that has the ability to capture your attention is the stand. Its kind of scary but definitely a way to keep you chilled out for several hours.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

What do I do? I feel helpless.

It's Morning time, and there is no doubt that you are wondering What Can I Do Right Now To Stop This Divorce? 

Click her for our step by step free blog advice. GET HER BACK NOW AND STOP THE DIVORCE STEP ONE

Well, crazy as it may sound, the answer is NOTHING. What ever you do, no matter how bad the urge, do not call her.  You need to show some independence, some fortitude, and most importantly you need to be able to show yourself that you can be strong.

Calling will be a losing situation most every time.
           Have you tried calling five times in one day before? What are you talking about? Probably, your feelings, and then the situation gets worse. Did that work? If it did you would not be reading this post.

So schedule an activity, play on the computer, comment on this post and we can have a discussion about your feelings. But you will undoubtedly make things worse by picking up the phone without a legit reason to call. The conversation will turn into you begging her, or crying, or showing weakness. These things do not work. They do not let her know that you are changed, and could cause another argument. Which are the last things we want to do in this situation. Recall, the first step is to NOT argue. The second is to not cry or talk about your feelings. These are the two big mistakes men make when trying to stop your divorce and get her back.

Basic Rules of Phone Calls:

  • One or Two five minute calls per week.
  • Script out what you want to say and need to say. 
  • Have a reason to call. For example, children exchange times or places.
  • Do Not talk about plans. She will ask what you are doing. Trust me she still wants to control you.
  • Have a way out of the conversation. For example: my friends are coming over, or I am headed out to meet some people and have to go. 
  • Do not ask about her plans or her day, etc. This will make it seem like you are checking up on her, when she is trying to get some freedom. Here independence is an important step for her. 
  • Do Not Cry, Do Not Beg, Do Not Argue, Do Not Accuse her of anything.
  • Get off the phone first. ALWAYS BE THE FIRST TO HANG UP.
Basic Rules of Text Messaging:

  • Do Not Text if You can avoid it. This gives her ALL of the power. 
  • Only send questions that are pertinent.
  • Do not send a message saying that something you saw reminded you of her. (everything you see will bring up a memory)
  • One text message every two days is sufficient. Text your friends or comment on here if you need someone to   talk with. Not Her. This will not get her back. It will annoy her.
  • If she replies with a question, do not answer it right away. This gives the impression that other things you are doing are more important. SHE LEFT that was her choice. Not yours. Your choice is to move on. So everything should be more important. I know it isn't. Our number one goal is to get you guys back together. 
  • DO NOT EXPECT A RESPONSE She will see your text. She will probably not respond to it. This is because since you sent a  text she knows that she still has control of you. It is all the proof she needs.

By avoiding phone calls and text messaging you are getting her to think that you are moving on. She will not be pleased with this because you are supposed to be waiting for her just in case her new lifestyle, boyfriend, etc do not pan out. If she thinks this safety net is gone then she will start rethinking her plan. Especially, when her new life starts getting uncomfortable. And it will. Remember, she left thinking things are going to be PERFECT on the other side of this divorce. Every thing looks better from the outside. But her comfort zone has been with you and home. So when she realizes that her new lifestyle isn't all that it is cracked up to be, she will come back to you asking for you to stop the divorce and get back together. 

This will likely be a long couple of months. The phone can make you are  break you. 

Stay strong, avoid arguments, avoid the phone
God Bless...keep your comments and questions coming. 

Friday, October 28, 2011


Stop all the whining and crying, fighting and arguing. What will win her back is a simple 5 step approach. Each Day I will answer questions and give you free advice on how to win back your wife from the brink of divorce.

Step One: Stop arguing.

Let her win. How can someone fight with you if you are agreeing. This doesn't mean be a weak person. It just means, to listen to her complaints and say something like, "I see" or "OK", then let her finish.

Step Two: STOP Crying and Whining. Do you really think she wants a weak man? If this works it will only be temporary and will not fix the situation.

 I mean look at this guy. Do you think girls really want him around.
Would you want this guy with you while you were hanging out with friends?

Women are not interested in men who are weak. They are not fooled by your tears and pleas for reconsiliation. She obviously didn't want to hurt you, but HER FEELINGS are the ones that she is concerned with. She is being selfish and only thinking about HER. So don't play the pity party because breaking it off didn't happen over night -even if you think it did. It is something that has been in her mind for a while. And since she didn't want to hurt you in the first place she has probably put it off for a while and needed some spark to give her the strength to tell you that the relationship is over.

So by crying you are only making things worse in the long runs. Do your whining and crying alone or with strangers.

When you stop showing these outburst of emotion, and show some strength and resilience she will be shocked. Since she is  expecting you to be hurt. Doing the opposite will give her second thoughts for sure. REMEMBER: She left you because she wants a change. By not doing what she expects you are showing that change without saying,"baby, I can change". Which gets us to Step Three.....see more in the next few days. Or subscribe and email me and I will get back to you ASAP...............

Thanks for reading..................take care................and God Bless!!!!